jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016


CRONICAS VIAJERAS (Elvira, Amaya, Miguel Carazo y Zuleika)

This group spoke about ICT and learning disabilities; it means how technologies can help to people with disabilities.  These technologies help them to improve and introduce themselves in class with a motivation to participate.
Some of these disabilities that they spoke were autism, down’s syndrome and motor disabilities.
In autism we are going to find that these types of persons have difficulties like socialization, in the language, thoughts and in imagination. So, we will can improve their conditions through technologies like tablets or cameras, because they will improve the integration support and support to the initiation.

Children with Down’s syndrome have difficulties like the easy distractions, minor initiative and poor differentiation between old and new stimuli. To try to help them with their disabilities we can use technologies like whiteboard and games, because they help them to concentration and in memory aid.

Finally children with motor disabilities use to have physical and motor difficulties and unadapted facilities. People who want to help them use to use MP3, with music, computers and laptops. The result and consequences that these children have with the technologies that I just explained are helps in adaptation, communication and comfort.

AMIGOS DEL FOOTBALL (Sandra, Alex, Cisem and Melike)
 This group spoke about inclusive schools. Inclusive schools try to ensure that all the students, teachers and parents participate in school life. They also named some authors like Gordon Porter, Mel Ainscow,, Tony Booth and Gerardo Echeita.
Inclusive schools have many barriers to solve. Some of them are political, cultural ( discrimination and categorization) and didactics ( competitive attitudes, text books etc).
We can solve them through the creation of inclusive cultures, developing inclusive policies and developing inclusive practices.
Some conclusions about this work and inclusive school is that it is a very good idea because everyone must feel integrated , without any discrimination, and this is what we get with these types of schools. To achieve this important goal is important the collaboration between parents, teachers and children. On this way all of them will be implicated in school and they will know well how the education is and try to change it in the best way. This point is also important because is difficult to find schools where all parents collaborate. 

THE UNKNOWS (Virginia, Alfonso, Marta y Marina)
This group also spoke about inclusive school. How I said before inclusive education is the process that the society develops to ensure the learning and participation of all students, teachers and parents, with attention to diversity and vulnerability. They also named some authors like Gordon Porter, Mel Ainscow,, Tony Booth and Gerardo Echeita. The general ideas about inclusive education are that it is presented to all the children like a right, it is linked to multicultural education, it is a way to learn all together and inclusive education accept that learning objectives must be flexible. So in summary inclusive education do not leave anyone out, try to promote equal opportunities, democracy and justice. It wants coordination between all the agents included in education, promoting dynamism and interaction between institutions. With inclusive schools the concept of the school as an educational community is developed and promoted.
What types of benefits inclusive education have?, it develops individual strengths, it helps to work in individual goals while participating in the life of the classroom; try to involve parents in education; promote in the school culture and respect; it try to give opportunities to learn about it and accept individual differences; it develops friendships; and promote affect to appreciate diversity and inclusion.
Inclusive education is not always easy and we are going to find some barriers: political, where we find contradictory laws and rules. We can solve this barrier developing a school for all and organizing the attention to diversity. Other barrier is the cultural permanent attitude of categorize and establish discriminatory rules between children. Didactics is other barrier to solve, because competitive attitude, the structure in the curriculum with disciplines and with a lot of books fights against cooperative learning and the learning to resolve real situations.

MUSICAL CHAIRS (Irene, Beatriz, Aipery and David)
The topic of this group was Communication learning. It is the coordination in the classroom between teachers, students and volunteers. Troughs this method we must see that school is not something isolated of the society and that the collaboration of it is necessary and something important.
Society can appear in the school through the volunteers that I named before. These volunteers are persons who do no t have previous degree to teach in class, but that helps to teachers, give talks, perform activities and so on.
To achieve in the institution a good coordination is necessary collaboration, cooperation and understanding between all these members.
This process has three phases: in the first one we think in all the possibilities to improve our institution (physical, methodology, the classroom…); the second phase is about to select between all the proposals, the most feasible or necessary, and which is going to realize. The last phase is to put it in practice what they have decided and go solving the various problems that we can find.

MODERN STUDENTS  (Elia, Shabaneh, Borja, Patri and Maria).

The project was about ways of living together in the school. The topic was divided in 4 parts: the first one was about the school mediation, where appear problems like bullying, violence or exclusion. We can solve them in two ways, through preventive strategies or repair strategies. The mediators are the pupils, teachers and employed non-teaching staff.
Then, the second part was about “peer support program”, which is in relation with the mediator, how to solve problems and so on. Because the objective of this is improve coexistence and reduce cases of abuse. The characteristics of the program are promote the ability and responsabilities, and help improve self-steem. The keys to get the program are that conflicts are as an engine of change and that the responsibility is shared. Finally the result of this program is that the coexistence is going to improve, while the intensity of conflicts is decreased, with an increased safety and satisfaction.
They also spoke about a book called “Archaeology of feelings”, by Miguel Angel Santos Guerra. They spoke about this book because in it we can see a comparison between archaeology and education, most specifically a metaphor between feelings in school and archaeology. It is divided in five steps: discovery; excavation, indagation, protection and expose.
We must name two mentions by the author of this book, and are that all schools are equal and at the same time each of them is unique.
After this they named one school, which is called Kiva International School. It school is based in the investigation that is based in anti-bullying programs. It is developed in the University of Finland. This school has an online webpage, where you can find online training for teachers, students and parents, and there is also an anti-bullying program.
Finally, they put a video where we watched that mediation is when two people have problems they come to the student’s assistant and they solve the problems as adults. In this video we can see the definition about student’s mediator; a student assistant is a person that helps the others when they have a problem or conflict. They get involve when there is some problem, or when someone is angry or nervous, or in many cases like these. The qualities that these students have are that they are solidarys and know how to be empathies. It important to have students like mediators because they helps to others and solve that others can not do


In the work of this group we had to answer to two questions:
Why is a leadership important in school? I think that a figure of leader is very important, but always with limits. We are always going to find a leader, who checks students and teachers. It is also important that the person who is the leader is an example to follow to others, so he or she must take care the things that does, these leaders must know to guide. I spoke before about limits, and the main limit is no consider yourself superior than the rest of the people. Leader must help and guide to others, no think that is the only one.

What are the main characteristics of a good leader? In my opinion a good leader must know which are their strengths and try to increase them. He or she must be a guide to everyone, and think constantly in the things that can affects to the group. Everyone must own values, but a leader must own a set o values to guide, and teach that values that he or she has.
A leader must be a set of skills such as communication, be calm and peaceful, getting that all the person work in calm each other.

The project of this group was ICT and improvement schools. This group divided the project in four parts: teachers and ICT, how to work with the ICT, social learning in schools and other tools.
In the first point that I named is included the digital natives, they are people who has born with technologies; digital divide, it refers to the gap between people who uses technologies or who does not. Finally in this point they spoke about future teachers who must adapt to the technologies that are working at the moment in the world, because they must learnt to use them in class, because trough technologies they can do their classes more interesting and motivating. Teachers also have to understand that technologies have disadvantages, but not for that stop to use them.
With regard the social leaning in schools we can find numerous tools where students can find answers to various problems, such as social networks, internet and so on.
This group used some tools like conventional applications ( iPad or robotics). Some conclusions about this work are that for example social networks provide a lots of possibilities, disvantages, but that can be resolve them, and that teachers need to have a training about the use of technologies and keep actual.

 In conclusion I think that all these topics are very important in school. One school is not just a place where you teach, it is more than that, and it is something that we have being discovering all the year and we have finish to see it with this project. It is important that teachers and even previous teachers know about all these aspects of the school.
If we have more knowledge about this we can improve the education, and give all the importance to the students, attending their necessities, because sometimes institutions are no aware about the importance of this.
With all these topics we could see the importance of the inclusion, technologies and so on. For example technology is very important in education, because it has a lot of benefits to all types of children, even if they have some disabilities.
We could see different methodologies where we include feelings and empathy, the inclusion of all the children…

Teachers are no the only persons who can resolve problems, if not that parents, mediators, leaders or even volunteers can collaborate together to resolve problems and improve education. All of them need a reinforce, time and work together. 

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