miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Last Post by Sara Mora


This presentation talks about ICT and learning disabilities. Personally what more me pleases this one group is his way of presenting the works, they prove to be very comfortable at the moment of speaking publicly and always one notices that they have internalized the contents and that they have worked equally. In his work they spoke about the children with disability and about how the technologies can help them to take part more in class, to relating to the others, etc. After giving a small explanation on of that there was consisting his work of general form, they centred on the autism, the syndrome of down and on the disability engine.
The autism impedes the socialization with the others, the development of the language and for example to developing the imagination. For the autism my companions proposed to use the tablets and the cameras. With it we had result and consequences like integration support. With the motor disability, for example, they propose use mp3 and Computers. It can helps about adaptation or in communication.
All this initiatives I think are really interesting and the video what an example about how we can put it in practice.


Their topic was inclusive schools. They start their presentation talking about what means a inclusive school and They started by speaking that were the inclusive schools and describing some of the characteristics of these schools.
 A very important point that they indicated is the difference between incorporation and integration. After this they indicated the thought of four authors on this type of schools and the inclusive education, this part for my was a bit more regular, since, they had not internalized the information, but I liked it very much equally. They showed the barriers that they present with regard to these schools and that concern his development, proposed solutions. To finish they taught us two colleges that follow this method in Spain. The college O'Pelouro and It Loved Berri. 
As a conclusion this work has seemed to me to be very interesting, it seems to me that it should develop more this type of colleges, I agree with the ideas that defend and believe that living in a company, it is necessary to begin from small when all coexist with all.


Their topic was “Ways of living together in the school” They divided his work in several parts, the first one it was the school mediation. It seems to me to be very important to do incapié in this one, I think that it is essential in order that the pupils remove well between them, in isolated this one they spoke why problems take place as the violence or the bullying, made clear that the aim of the mediator was to solve these problems by means of the dialog. 
Another part was the " program of help between equalize " that goes on the relation with the mediator, to speak and to solve the problems, and so on. The third part of the work, it had to see with a book that seemed to me to be very interesting; he was comparing the archaeology with the feelings, in this one book metaphors appear as excavating, to protect, etc. It looks like to me a way of showing the feelings to the children as in our work for what I like the initiative.
 In the last part of his work they were showing a college of Finland, I think that he was called Kiba, it was working hard to finish with the bullying. 
To finish we saw a video in the one that was showing himself a college in the one that existed the pupils assistants, the pupils were very contestos and existed proved.


Their work was about ICT and improvement schools, firts they explain how we can work with ICT in schools, about social learning and so on. They indicate that the future teachers must finish with the digital gap that exists between the native digital ones and the educational system that does not represent them, since, his teachers do not control the ICT without realizing that it is the new reality of the pupils. 
The future teachers will have to incorporate the technologies into the classes they make them more kept women for the pupils and especially to teach them to use them with responsibility. Also it is very important that the parents of the pupils help with the technologies and use them in house. They were proposing to use the technologies in order that the children were doing projects and were looking for information for his account and this way they were learning to use for yes same. 
As conclusion on this group would say that they proposed ideas to take the technologies to the classroom, since with robotic and different applications and me parecio very interesting


The following group, Dumbledore team could not expose completely his presentation but it was very nice for what we could see, both questions to which I have to answer are:
1.       Why is leadership important in school? And 2. What are the main characteristic of a good leader?
This group has changed his composition for this last work, normally it are four persons but this time three have been alone, since, there has been more than one problem, and Maria Schnell has worked alone though speaking about the same topic. Both groups you speak about the leadership but from two very different points. For this reason I am going to speak about a global form, including both works.
Answering the first question I think that the function of leadership is important since always it is necessary to follow a control, but simultaneously this person has to transmit confidence, respect, seriousness ... a few values, since in addition, in the area of the education it will use as model for many pupils. I think that it is important to follow an order in the centre. 
About the second question, In my opinion to be a good leader it is necessary to be clear with the ideas and the aims that you want to obtain as leader, you have to say always the truth and be a person in whom it is possible to trust, must choose to introduce and learn constant new things, it has to prove to be determined.
 These ideas have been completed thanks to the work of my companions, with all these characteristics we will obtain an effective college.


Their topic was Community Learning To this group it had not time him to exhibiting another day, I had liked to see his exhibition since I think that his work and his topic were interesting enough. Beginning with what it means community learning, we might say that it is the coordination between teachers, pupils and other persons of the community inside the college. With this there is tried that one sees the school as something that is inside the company, which can be used by any person of the community and which he needs from the civil collaboration. In addition they propose that the "volunteers" should collaborate, these persons would not have for that to have previous qualifications to give lessons, but it would be busy with helping the teacher to give chats, to control the children in the class, to realize activities. In order that this one coordination is a success the miembro of the community owe of credit a cooperation between all since I have said previously. According to our companions this process has 3 differentiated phases:
The first one, dream; about this first phase they think all the possibilities to improve the center both in the methodology and in the facilities. The second phase is based in selecting inside all the ideas said in the first phase the most feasible, which are more necessary and in the last phase these ideas put into practice. I believe that of a very schematic form, this group has developed a topic that seems to me to be essential at the moment of being employed at a college, at my opinion at very importantly the collaboration with the community, since, they will take more seriously the education


Our topic was a social and emotional learning, I think that we manage to fulfill the aims that we had planned for this work as improving to speak publicly or to work more time together.
I had liked that it was having time to realizing the game since, though we think that our topic remained very clear it was an enterteining way of making concrete the terms that we had said during the exhibition and dedicate him enough time when we were doing the work, our activity was based in listening to parts of different songs and expressing that emotion was making feel every song to you with this one activity we wanted to demonstrate that not we all feel the same thing in the same activity and that it is necessary to respect the emotions of the rest.
Down below we explain each of the points of our work

I think all groups develop their topics really well, Is really important that we as future teachers know all this theories and watch that there are schools which are following this theories.

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