miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


We are going to star with, What is social and emotional learning?:
Rafel bisquerra:
Emotional learning has been born recently as a social need that is not served in academic subjects we all know.
It is based on:
- Neuroscience
- Psychoneuroimmunology
- Multiple Intelligences
Main goal:
• Develop different emotional competencies: -
·       Emotional Awareness
·       Emotional regulation
·       Self-management
·       Interpersonal intelligence
·       Life Skills
·       Welfare
- Acquire a better understanding of one's emotions, control and identify others.
- Prevent adverse effects of negative emotions
- Know how to generate positive emotions and motivation
How? Through programs based on theoretical frameworks.
With a good team prepared teaching faculty.
What we get with the emotional and social learning?
·       Increased social skills and satisfying interpersonal relationships.  Less antisocial behavior and social adaptation.
·       Decrease of violence, aggression and self-defeating thoughts improving self-esteem
·        Improvement of the academic performance.
·       Decrease of sadness and depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress.  BE HAPPY.

Emotions in class:
·       We have to work emotions every day with pupils so they can understand what they feel and to control their emotions
·       Work empathy and assertiveness will develop a good ambient in class and between students.
·       To set 10 minutes when we start or finish the class to pupils express how they feel that day or during the class and know the feelings of the rest.
·       We as teacher help children to feel happy; f.e. if a kid has a problem and he is angry, we can help him with it and propose solutions.
Multiple Intelligences in class:
§       EMOTION INTELLIGENCE WEEK, all children has developed it, is understand and
§       If pupils cannot solve an activity in any subject, they can feel frustrated and sad; if we work with multiple intelligences they would know that they have not to feel as a failure (fracaso)
§       With teacher’s help, know what kind of intelligence have every pupil and found how we can develop it
§       Projects to work in groups, every child choose a topic inside the project based in their intelligence
Cooperative learning:
o      Learning how to control her emotions and empathy with other help to create friendships
o      Positive reinforcement ( support of the group ) when group agree with the idea of a member
o      Students feel comfortable with their partners, classroom as a place where they can stay calm and work together without discuss between them
o      Respect others opinion will promote that pupils feel accomplished
o      NO BULLYING; if pupils know how their partners feel and they work together we could avoid numerous cases of bullying.

Empathy is the tool that we have and use to live in community, because facilitate the communication, the resolution to conflicts and the cooperative work. Without empathy all these things would not be possible.
We can develop empathy, but the problem is that we also can stock it.
How can we stock empathy?, This happens where a child for example have parents who ignore his or her emotions. The result is going to be a child who ignores his emotions, and the emotions of the rest of people.

How can we develop empathy in class? To develop it we should:
- Attend to the emotions of children; listening to their emotions they will start to attend to their own and of the others.
-The active listening; we must teach to children how to listen to their partners; finding out their emotions through their voice, the gestures they do etc.
- Teach games based in empathy techniques to the resolution of conflicts. For example: Walk in my shoes!! The base of this game is to take the place of other. 


Emotional stimulation: teachers have to stimulate in class the expression of emotions; both positive and negative emotions, although the latter are more difficult to express.

Environment: teachers must create specific environments to develop socio-emotional. Ej: the exposition to personal or group experiences to resolve.

Teach empathy skills: for example; learn to listen, understand the different points of view of others, pay attention, cooperation, and so on

Equality: teacher must respect deeply to all their students; without a special relation with no one. This is going to create a mutual respect and reinforce their confident.

Deep knowledge of the students:  teacher must know the different messages that students transmit, answering to their interest and necessities. This improves the communication with them and gets a better integration.

cher as model: teachers must care their actions and attitudes, in front of their students.

The family is an important part of the emotional model, since they are the first space of socialization and education that children have.
-The teacher-student interactions are an ideal place to develop emotional education with daily activities: For example: speak about problems and change opinions and advices.
Teacher speak about how he revolved typical problems that students have, or even through the creation of tags that allow to learn about feelings ( with films, books…). 

We organice an activity really interesting about the book that you can watch in the second video :) , in this activity we are going to mix music and emotional, is about listen different songs which shows different emotions as happy from Pharrel williams or Nirvana and explain what we feel with each of them, we are not going to feel the same, we all are differents so when we finish we can see it and talk about it.
Our video is an example of social and emotional learning so, as you can see, it works and it is a good options to finish with bullying, problems between teachers-students and so on. And the book for our activity:


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